Sunday, May 30, 2010

DeathSpank: My Clip Runneth Over

It's handy to have something I worked on nearly, almost, kind of about to be unleashed on the world. That means I can post stuff and do very little work.

Here is the latest. It's a quick teaser from the lovely people at Hothead Games. It reveals some of the story in the upcoming DeathSpank game. I fondly remember the first orphan-related story & design sessions with Ron some time earlier this century. We knew then that DeathSpank would be something special.

And wrong. Remind me again why it took so long to find a publisher?

DeathSpank: Now with 20% more orphan!


Saturday, May 08, 2010

Impending Spankitude

My old pal Ron has been hitting the PR circuit for a little game we cooked up a few years ago called DeathSpank. Ron was sequestered in Vancouver, B.C. for the last couple years working on the game at Hothead, but has finally emerged from hiding to proclaim the game pretty much, kinda totally finished.

Here's a link to some hands-on impressions, first from Joystiq.

And from Gamespot.

Look for DeathSpank on some form of shiny box with blinking lights near you soon!