Nothing beats a worn out, deserted carnival for sheer atmosphere and spooky good times. The level artists did a great job creating Kosmo's base of operations, the Carnival DePrave. This was the final location in Voodoo Vince. Once the level designer John Baron finished laying out the platforms holes and the structures, Doug Williams created these superb black and white mood pieces. The level artist (also John Baron, come to think of it) worked from these to create the final level art.

The final in-game textures were given a wonderful air of festive decay by Dan Cole. You can almost smell that bilge water taffy.

Nice post once again. Yesturday i found out this website: http://home.f01.itscom.net/spiral/t_rando/t_rando1.html
which shows an abandonned theme park. Kinda freaky on some pics.
Excellent pictures!
Doug and Dan think they're sooo great.
It's true!
Have you ever considered making a Voodoo Vince point-and-click adventure game for the PC? We have a PC in almost every room in the house but no console system, and we miss the old adventure games (Loom, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max). We used to play them as a whole family, clustered around a 15" monitor and giving advice to the mouse jockey. Now we have a 32" monitor in our den, and nothing worth playing on it.
I love the old school adventure games, and I can certainly see Vince being right at home in that sort of world.
Anything with Vince would need to be cleared by MS since they now own the IP. The other challenge is finding a publisher who is still willing to take a risk on something like that. Some developers/publishers have been able to find an audience for smaller adventure games, but on a pretty small scale so far.
One thing I've always wanted to do with Vince is a seriously old style sidescroller.
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